Distance Learning With 9Grids

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2020

Many are starting the new school year with some form of distance learning. Qnity’s 9Grid is a simple & visual tool to help you bring clarity to a new school year. Candice, one of Qnity’s Certified Trainers used the 9Grid to help her prep for distance learning.

Forest, Candice’s son also has his own 9Grid notebook. Below are a few things Candice has observed since Forest started using the tool:

  • I think it’s actually helping him to develop a sense of how to take notes at a super young age. He is learning how to pick out important pieces of information from what he learns.
  • He knows to use if for learning, brainstorming, working on ideas, and making plans so it is very special for him. He thinks of it as an idea book.
  • He is a very left-brained child so encouraging him to use the 9Grid help him wrap his head around some of the more emotion-based subjects that come up in his reading and religion lessons.

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