Level Up Your Financial Smarts

May 19, 2020

At Qnity, we believe it is important for individuals to educate themselves. Because at the end of the day, YOU are in control and accountable for your financial decisions and success. Although many of us are still not working due to COVID-19, you can still take time to educate yourself. Below are a few of our recommendations:

  1. Level up your financial smarts – There’s tons of amazing education out there, and a lot of it is free! It’s time to start to get more confident with the financial side of your business. Especially as a result of COVID-19, you will need to be prepared to make important financial decisions, and it’s critical that you are informed. Remember, numbers are a language. Unlike your craft, there’s not a whole lot of room for creativity here. If you’ve avoided a language for much of your career, of course they are going to be scary and confusing. You can also check out QNITY’S YOUTUBE...
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